Ideation & Business Model Week

Get ready for the "Ideation & Business Model Week"! This week is designed to develop your business ideas and shape robust business models. By the end of the week, you will have a clear roadmap showing you how to turn your ideas into profitable strategies.

Why Strategy Weeks with Granny & Smith?

Constant distractions, countless meetings and calls?

Unavailable colleagues, your day-to-day business getting in the way or are you overwhelmed with all these lots of emails, messages, phone calls, and a never-ending to-do list?
With today’s multi-project management, people work a lot and hard – often without seeing real progress. This is frustrating and has been getting a major issue particularly in corporates.

We do things differently:

One week, one topic, one team, one tangible result.
Instead of working on the same topic over and over again, for weeks or months, we focus on solving a single task – without any distraction.
For this we use our proven one-week framework.
Not only does that provide tangible results. It also makes work fun again.


Individual strategy workshop:

  • Creative Ideation Workshop: Use creative techniques to develop innovative ideas that will help you realize your business goals.
  • Marketability analysis: Evaluate which ideas have the highest potential to be successful in the market.

Business model development:

  • Business-model design: Work out business-model options based on the most promising ideas.
  • Validation processes: Conduct initial testing to verify the viability of each business model.

Strategic implementation:

  • Roadmap for implementation: Develop a detailed step-by-step action plan leading to market launch.
  • Resource and budget planning: Determine the necessary resources and budget required to realize the individual business models.

Final presentation:

  • Presentation of the roadmap: At the end of the week, you’ll present your roadmap for implementing your new business models.
  • Feedback and fine-tuning: Receive valuable feedback and make final adjustments to ensure you plan works smoothly.

Your benefits:

  • Personalized expert advice: Benefit from individual support by our strategy experts who will guide you throughout the process.
  • Tailor-made solutions: Develop a strategy perfectly tailored to your company's specific needs and challenges.
  • Innovative approaches: Utilize the latest methods and techniques for ideation and business-model development.

Who is the Ideation & Business Model Week suitable for?

This intensive week is ideal for startups, entrepreneurs and executives who want to develop innovative ideas and new business models to drive their business forward.

Are you ready to turn your ideas into successes and lay a strong foundation for the future?

Contact us now for your Ideation & Business Model Week!
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