Storytelling Week

During the "Storytelling Week," we will jointly develop a plan that teaches you how to create stories that captivate your target audience. Learn how to reach the hearts and order books of your customers with your story without asking which stories to tell to convince them.

Why Strategy Weeks with Granny & Smith?

Constant distractions, countless meetings and calls?

Unavailable colleagues, your day-to-day business getting in the way or are you overwhelmed with all these lots of emails, messages, phone calls, and a never-ending to-do list?
With today’s multi-project management, people work a lot and hard – often without seeing real progress. This is frustrating and has been getting a major issue particularly in corporates.

We do things differently:

One week, one topic, one team, one tangible result.
Instead of working on the same topic over and over again, for weeks or months, we focus on solving a single task – without any distraction.
For this we use our proven one-week framework.
Not only does that provide tangible results. It also makes work fun again.


Individual strategy workshop:

  • Analysis of the current situation: We’ll start with a detailed analysis of your current online presence and identify strengths, weaknesses and new opportunities.
  • Target-group analysis: Define your target group precisely and understand their needs in order to tell the right stories.

Development of your storytelling strategy:

  • Define goals: Set the goals you want to achieve with your authentic stories.
  • Topic planning for your stories: Together we’ll find out what stories are worth telling, while compiling a list of topics.

Strategic implementation:

  • Resource and time planning: Determine the resources needed for your storytelling. Let’s find out which stories are best told and when.
  • Your stories: We’ll create your first stories together.

Final presentation:

  • Presentation of your storytelling roadmap: At the end of the week, you’ll present your storytelling roadmap.
  • Feedback and adjustments: Receive final feedback to tailor your storytelling perfectly to your company and your target group.

Your benefits:

  • Personal consultation: Work directly with our storytelling experts.
  • Tailor-made solutions: Develop a strategy tailored to your brand and your market.
  • Long-term focus: Gain clarity and take a strategic direction that will ensure your long-term success.

Who is THE Storytelling Week suitable for?

This intensive week is ideal for marketing teams, content managers and CEOs who want to develop a storytelling strategy tailored to their company.
Are you ready to give your company a clear advantage with your storytelling strategy?
Contact us now for your Storytelling Week!
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