Go To Market Strategy Week

Be prepared to successfully launch your business with a tailored go-to-market strategy. In an intensive week, we will develop your Go-To-Market Strategy together. By the end of that week, you will have a clear roadmap to successfully position yourself in the market.

Why Strategy Weeks with Granny & Smith?

Constant distractions, countless meetings and calls?

Unavailable colleagues, your day-to-day business getting in the way or are you overwhelmed with all these lots of emails, messages, phone calls, and a never-ending to-do list?
With today’s multi-project management, people work a lot and hard – often without seeing real progress. This is frustrating and has been getting a major issue particularly in corporates.

We do things differently:

One week, one topic, one team, one tangible result.
Instead of working on the same topic over and over again, for weeks or months, we focus on solving a single task – without any distraction.
For this we use our proven one-week framework.
Not only does that provide tangible results. It also makes work fun again.


Individual strategy workshop:

  • Market analysis: Start with an in-depth analysis of the target market, including customer needs, market size and the competitive landscape.
  • Target group definition: Identify exactly your target customers and what they need.

Develop your market-entry strategy:

  • Positioning: Define how your product, service or business stands out from your competitors’.
  • Pricing strategy: Develop a pricing strategy that supports your positioning and is in line with the market.
  • Sales channels: Select the most effective channels to reach your target customers.
  • Marketing plan: Develop a comprehensive marketing plan that ensures your product, service or business gets the attention it needs.

Implementation planning:

  • Action plan: Draw up a detailed plan covering all steps from product completion to market launch.
  • Milestones: Define key milestones and timelines to monitor your progress.

Final presentation:

  • Presentation of your go-to-market plan: At the end of the week, you will present your complete go-to-market roadmap.
  • Feedback and iteration: Receive professional feedback to optimize your strategy.

Your benefits:

  • Personal expert advice: Benefit from individual support by our market experts.
  • Tailor-made strategy development: Develop a strategy to fit your market.
  • Concrete implementation plans: Wrap up the week with a clear plan combining immediate measures and long-term strategies.

Who is the Go-to-Market Strategy Week suitable for?

This intensive week is ideal for startuppers, product managers and business leaders who are going to launch a new product, service or business and want to ensure their launch is a success.

Are you ready to successfully position yourself in the market with your bulletproof go-to-market strategy?

Get in touch to lay the foundation for your successful market launch!
Get in touch