We often get asked why we don't believe in Design Thinking anymore. We will show you why

Basically, a Design Sprint with its "no-device rule" is more like a workshop. Fun, but with no real outcome that you can test with real customers.

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Design Sprint


What  MAKES the Design Thinking DIFFERENT from the INNOWEEK®?

MAIN Problem

The term “Design Thinking” implies what it actually is: Still a lot of theoretical work. That won’t actually provide you with what you need to know if customers will buy what you are going to build. That’s why it needs an as practical and realistic approach as possible.

OUR Solution

Our practical approach: Developing a tangible and realistic-looking solution by the end of one week – to be instantly tested by real buying customers.

OUR Result

Our approach provides you with the results you need to know whether the market really wants or requires what you intend to build, thus enabling you to make proper decisions. Instead of lots of theory and guesswork, you will get real customer feedback.

Design Sprint

You got a better understanding of your idea due to some focus group testings with a prototype

Time to market
Rapid Prototyping
Product Design
3D Renderings
Website / Shop
Online Campaign
Social Media Content
Real Market Testing


Your product is ALIVE in the market and you can recieve real feedback from buyers

Time to market
One week
Rapid Prototyping
Product Design
3D Renderings
Website / Shop
Online Campaign
Social Media Content
Real Market Testing

Design Thinking

A product development approach still involving lots of theory, i..e. a lot of guesswork and experimenting before you get real market feedback.

Time to market
Rapid Prototyping
Focus on Innovation Implementation
Product Design
3D Renderings
Website / Shop
Online Campaign
Social Media Content
Real Market Testing


Your product is ALIVE in the market and you can recieve real feedback from buyers, based on a tangible and as realistic as possible product vision.

Time to market
One week
Rapid Prototyping
Focus on Innovation Implementation
Product Design
3D Renderings
Website / Shop
Online Campaign
Social Media Content
Real Market Testing

Why INNOWEEK® instead of just Design Thinking?

As said before, there is much theoretical work in the Design Thinking process, whereas the focus of the INNOWEEK® is to really implement an innovation idea by doing a product-market-fit test with the help of an MMP, at the earliest possible stage, i.e. after one week.

That approach delivers fast and concrete results, because by the end of the week, there won’t be just a minimalist visualization of an idea, i.e. an MVP, but also, for example, a website with a photo-realistic product, where there is actually a "Buy" button.

In addition, 3D printing may be used to produce prototypes that test customers can really interact with - a far cry from traditional MVPs.

So the focus of the INNOWEEK® is not just understanding the target audience and defining a solution around their wants and needs, but testing the "marketability" of a product or service with the help of a tangible and most realistic product vision possible . This is the only way to get meaningful and valid test results based on feedback from the market in order to know whether a product needs to be developed and whether it needs investment into a production facility or not – i.e. whether there is a real need.

Design Thinking vs INNOWEEK®

While Design Thinking is still very theoretical, The INNOWEEK® has rather a “design-doing” approach. That’s why there is not only a prototype in the form of a scaled-down version of your product idea with features being gradually rolled out, but an MMP (Minimum Marketable Product). The MMP is in fact the maximum realistic version of your product vision. That will make it possible to find out whether customers will really buy what you are going to build.

Design Thinking

Dramatic Failure Rate Reduction by Going Beyond Design Thinking

With the traditional approach “build, test, learn”, there was a failure rate of up to 90% for new products. Beginning with the end in mind and having customers test the MMP before building the final product, has actually reversed that failure rate. Gradually rolling out features will never provide you with the feedback you get with the help of an MMP and will take way too long. Because by the time you have built the final product, the market and their needs may have changed so that people won’t buy


Our company has helped more than 650+ companies around the world to create and implement their ideas.

FROM IDEA TO mARKET one week only

We will help you create, develop and test all your ideas within just one week – no matter how daring or crazy they are.

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