Only fools buy motorcycles in winter.

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only fools buy motorcycles in winter.
really? is that so? when's the best time to buy them then?
when it's warm and sunny and everybody is like
i want to feel freedom and the wind in my face?
because in the cold winter you couldn't believe that...
this feeling would come back as it always does, reliably.
so wouldn't you agree that winter is the best time to get ready to taste...
the spirit of freedom whenever you feel time has come for that?
isn't it better to buy when you can make a big deal because
demand is low? if you agree, if you act like this...
you are at an advantage which you are...
whenever you make counter cyclical decisions...
like when you invest in innovation during crises.
you wanna know why? Just give us a ring.
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only fools buy motorcycles in winter.
really? is that so? when's the best time to buy them then?
when it's warm and sunny and everybody is like...
i want to feel freedom and the wind in my face?
because in the cold winter you couldn't believe that...
this feeling would come back as it always does, reliably.
so wouldn't you agree that winter is the best time to get ready to taste...
the spirit of freedom whenever you feel time has come for that?
isn't it better to buy when you can make a big deal because...
demand is low? if you agree, if you act like this...
you are at an advantage which you are...
whenever you make counter cyclical decisions...
like when you invest in innovation during crises.
you wanna know why? Just give us a ring.

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Only fools buy motorcycles in winter.
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